Be Part of the Film that tells the story of the next Chapter of Paleontology”

We invite you to be a part of our groundbreaking documentary film, "Fossilist," by making a donation. Your support plays a crucial role in bringing this riveting exploration to the screen.

Here's why your contribution matters:

1. Engage in a Critical Debate: At the heart of this rivalry lies a fundamental question: who bears responsibility for safeguarding and interpreting the story of life encoded in dinosaur fossils? Your support enables us to examine the complex interplay of discovery, science, commerce, human ambition, and the ethical obligation to share paleontology's precious insights with the world.

2. Support Independent Investigative Filmmaking: As an independent documentary, "Fossilist" relies on the support of individuals like you who believe in the power of investigative storytelling. Your contribution directly supports our dedicated team of filmmakers who are passionate about uncovering the truth and presenting a balanced, thought-provoking narrative.

3. Be Part of a Groundbreaking Journey: By donating to "Fossilist," you become an integral part of our journey to shed light on this fascinating world. You'll receive regular updates on our progress, giving you an inside look at the challenges and triumphs we encounter as we work to bring this important story to the screen.

Every donation, regardless of its size, makes a difference. Your support helps us secure the resources needed to complete the film, from conducting revealing interviews and capturing footage of fossil sites to the post-production and marketing efforts needed to share this story with a wide audience.

Thank you for considering a donation to "Fossilist." Your support means the world to us and brings us one step closer to sparking a critical conversation about the high-stakes world of paleontology.

Donate To The Film